Trade Resources Company News Enbridge Announced Plans to Rail Bakken Crude Oil to Philadelphia-Area Refining Markets

Enbridge Announced Plans to Rail Bakken Crude Oil to Philadelphia-Area Refining Markets

Canadian pipeline operator Enbridge Monday announced plans to rail Bakken crude oil to the Philadelphia-area refining markets from 2013.

Enbridge Rail will own 75% of a joint venture with Canopy Prospecting, called the Eddystone Rail Company, to develop a unit-train facility and related pipeline infrastructure near Philadelphia in order to deliver North Dakota Bakken and other light, sweet crude oil to Philadelphia refineries, it said in a statement.

The project is expected to handle 80,000 barrels/day in the third quarter of 2013, and will ultimately be expanded to receive up to 160,000 b/d for transport by barge or pipeline to nearby refineries as early as mid-2014.

Enbridge will serve as the operator during construction and operation of the facility, the company said.

"The total estimated capital cost of the project is approximately $68 million, including interest during construction," it said in the statement. "Project scope includes leasing portions of Exelon Generation's Eddystone power generation facility and reconfiguring existing track to accommodate 120 car unit-trains, installing crude offloading equipment, refurbishing an existing 200,000 barrel tank and upgrading an existing barge loading facility."

Enbridge added that additional storage and pipelines connecting Eddystone to Philadelphia-area refineries are under development.

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Enbridge Announces Plans to Rail Bakken Crude to Philadelphia Refiners From 2013
Topics: Metallurgy , Chemicals