Trade Resources Economy RUSAL to Increase Bauxite Production in 2013 to President Mr Donald Ramotar

RUSAL to Increase Bauxite Production in 2013 to President Mr Donald Ramotar

RUSAL plans to increase bauxite production in 2013 while commencing work on a new deposit.Officials of the company made the disclosure to President Mr Donald Ramotar during a meeting at the Office of The President.

The meeting was held between President Mr Donald Ramotar,Mr Valery Matvienko Rusal Alumina and Bauxite Business Director,Mr Vladimir Permyakov head of Representative in Guyana and Mr Nikolay Smirnov Russian Ambassador to Guyana.

Mr Robert Persaud Natural Resources and Environment Minister was also part of the meeting.It explored the situation with aluminum and alumina bauxite market at the global level.Rusal procured a fleet of equipment and will soon be mining in Kurubuka and Korite which have a combined deposit of close to 80 million tonnes.

This will see increase production of the mineral by some one point nine million tonnes.The company is based in Kwakwani and 5 students were sponsored to pursue geological studies at reputable institutions in Russia while training of its onsite operators was offered.

About 1000 persons are employed directly or indirectly by the company here.As part of the commitment to cultivate and improve on relations with the Berbice river community,cooperation in areas other than bauxite mining was discussed at Tuesday's meeting.

Minister Persaud who had toured the company's operations in August,had met privately with executives to discuss concerns regarding discrepancies between the company and the community.

He subsequently disclosed that following the discussions,consensus was reached on mechanisms between the community and the company to resolve several issues.Rusal has been operating in the Region 10 community since 2007 after sealing an agreement for Government to hold 10 percent shares in Rusal.

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RUSAL to Boost Guyana Bauxite Production in 2013
Topics: Metallurgy