Trade Resources Economy Statistical Communiqué on The 2011 National Economic and Social Development

Statistical Communiqué on The 2011 National Economic and Social Development

In 2011, faced with the complicated and volatile domestic and international economic environment, under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the people of all nationalities of China, taking Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as the guidance, the scientific development as the theme and the transformation of economic development mode as the mainline, carried out the package of plans and policies aiming at strengthening and improving the macro control. As a result, national economic performance maintained steady and rapid development, all social undertakings achieved new progress, and a good start was achieved for the Twelfth Five-Year Period.

1. General Outlook 

In 2011, the gross domestic product (GDP)[2] of the year was 47,156.4 billion yuan, up by 9.2 percent over the previous year. Of this total, the value added of the primary industry was 4,771.2 billion yuan, up by 4.5 percent, that of the secondary industry was 22,059.2 billion yuan, up by 10.6 percent and the tertiary industry was 20,326.0 billion yuan, up by 8.9 percent. The value added of the primary industry accounted for 10.1 percent of the GDP, that of the secondary industry accounted for 46.8 percent, and that of the tertiary industry accounted for 43.1 percent.

  Statistical Communiqué on The 2011 National Economic and Social Development

At the end of 2011, a total of 283.92 million people participated in basic pension program, a year-on-year increase of 26.85 million. Of this total, 215.74 million were staff and workers, and 68.19 million were retirees. A total of 472.91 million people participated in urban basic health insurance program, an increase of 40.28 million, of whom 252.26 million people participated in urban basic health insurance program for staff and workers[26], and 220.66 million people participated in programs for residents. A total of 46.41 million people participated in urban basic health insurance programs were migrant workers coming from the rural areas, an increase of 580 thousand. Some 143.17 million people participated in unemployment insurance programs, an increase of 9.41 million. A total of 176.89 million people participated in work accident insurance, an increase of 15.28 million, of which 68.37 million were migrant workers coming from the rural areas, an increase of 5.37 million. A total of 138.80 million people participated in maternity insurance programs, an increase of 15.44 million. By the end of September 2011, a total of 2,646 counties (cities, districts) conducted the new cooperative medical care system in rural areas, with a participation rate of 97.5 percent. The total expenditure of the new cooperative medical care system in rural areas reached 111.4 billion yuan, benefiting 840 million people. In the pilot areas of new rural social pension insurance, some 326.43 million people participated in insurance program. The number of people receiving unemployment insurance payment stood at 1.97 million. In 2011, the government raised the rural poverty line to annual per capita net income of 2,300 yuan (2010 constant prices). According to the new standard, the population who need support in rural areas numbered 122.38 million at the end of the year. 

XII. Resources, Environment and Work Safety

In 2011, the total supply of state-owned land for construction[27] use was 588 thousand hectares, a growth of 37.2 percent over the previous year. Of this total, that for mining storage, 193 thousand hectares, up 26.2 percent, for real estate[28], 167 thousand hectares, up 9.2 percent, and for infrastructure facilities, 228 thousand hectares, up 86.1 percent.

The total stock of water resources in 2011 was 2,402.2 billion cubic meters. The annual average precipitation was 567 millimeters. At the end of 2011, 422 large reservoirs in China stored 195.6 billion cubic meters of water, or 6.9 billion cubic meters less than that at the end of 2010. Total water consumption went up by 1.0 percent to reach 608.0 billion cubic meters, of which water consumption for living purposes rose by 2.5 percent, for industrial use grew by 0.9 percent, for agricultural use increased by 0.8 percent, and for ecological water supplement dropped by 4.0 percent. Water consumption for every 10 thousand yuan worth of GDP produced[29] was 139 cubic meters, a decline of 7.3 percent. Water consumption for every 10 thousand yuan worth of industrial value added was 82 cubic meters, down by 8.9 percent. Per capita water consumption was 452 cubic meters, up by 0.4 percent. 

In 2011, a total of 6.14 million hectares of forest were planted, of which 4.14 million were afforested by manpower. Some 3.11 million hectares were afforested through key afforestation projects, accounting for 50.7 percent of the total planted area of the year. By the end of 2011, there were 2,640 natural reserves including 335 national ones. A total of 39 thousand square kilometers of eroded land were put under comprehensive treatment programs, and 28 thousand square kilometers of land were closed for nurture and protection in areas suffering water and soil erosion. By the end of 2011, the total forest areas with set ownership were 173.33 million hectares, of this total, 151.00 million hectares obtained the forest ownership certifications.

The average temperature in 2011 was 9.3℃. Typhoon hit China 7 times in 2011. 

Preliminary estimation indicated that the total energy consumption in 2011 amounted to 3.48 billion tons of standard coal equivalent, up 7.0 percent over 2010. The consumption of coal grew by 9.7 percent; crude oil, up 2.7 percent; natural gas, up 12.0 percent; and electric power, up 11.7 percent. The national energy consumption per 10,000 yuan worth of GDP went down by 2.01 percent. The consumption of major kinds of raw materials[30] included 840 million tons of rolled steel, up 9.0 percent; 7.86 million tons of copper, up by 5.2 percent; 17.24 million tons of electrolytic aluminum, up by 12.1 percent; 15.28 million tons of ethylene, up by 7.5 percent; and 2.07 billion tons of cement, up 11.2 percent.

Monitoring of water quality on 398 sections of the 7 major water systems in China showed that 56.3 percent of the sections met the national quality standard from Grade I to Grade III for surface water, up by 0.3 percentage point over the previous year; and 15.3 percent were worse than Grade V, down by 2.0 percentage points compared with that in the previous year. Generally, the water quality in the 7 major water systems kept stable.

Monitoring of oceanic water quality at 301 offshore monitoring stations indicated that oceanic water met the national quality standard Grade I and II in 62.8 percent of the stations; water quality at 12.0 percent of the stations met Grade III standard; and water of Grade IV or inferior quality was found at 25.2 percent of the stations.

In the 330 cities covered by air quality monitoring program, 293 cities reached or topped air quality standard Grade II, accounting for 88.8 percent of all cities under the program; 33 cities attained Grade III, accounting for 10.0 percent; and air quality in 4 cities was inferior to Grade III, accounting for 1.2 percent. Of the 316 cities subject to noise monitoring program, 5.1 percent enjoyed fairly good environment, 72.8 percent had good environment, 21.5 percent had light noise pollution, and 0.6 percent experienced medium noise pollution in downtown areas.

At the end of 2011, the daily treatment capacity of city sewage reached 112.55 million cubic meters, up 7.8 percent over that in 2010. City sewage treatment rate was 82.6 percent, up 0.3 percentage point. The floor space with central heating systems amounted to 4.56 billion square meters, up 4.6 percent. Greenery coverage reached 34.7 percent of the urban area, up 0.2 percentage point.

In 2011, natural disasters caused 309.6 billion yuan worth of direct economic loss, down by 42.0 percent compared with that in the previous year. Natural disasters hit 32.47 million hectares of crops, down by 13.2 percent, of which 2.89 million hectares of crops were demolished, down by 40.5 percent. Flood and waterlog, landslide and debris flow caused a direct economic loss of 126.0 billion yuan, a drop of 64.0 percent. Drought caused a direct economic loss of 92.8 billion yuan, up by 22.6 percent. Disasters from low temperature, frost and snow made a total direct economic loss of 29.0 billion yuan, down by 8.9 percent. Oceanic disasters caused a direct economic loss of 6.05 billion yuan, down by 54.4 percent. The occurrence of red tides hit an accumulative area of 1,145 square kilometers, down by 89.5 percent. The country recorded 17 earthquakes with magnitude 5 and over, 15 of which caused disasters, causing a direct economic loss of 6.01 billion yuan. The year 2011 witnessed 5,550 forest fires, down by 28.1 percent.

The death toll due to work accidents amounted to 75,572 people, a year-on-year decrease of 5.0 percent. The death toll from work accidents every 100 million yuan worth of GDP was 0.173 people, a decline of 13.9 percent. Work accidents in industrial, mining and commercial enterprises caused 1.88 deaths out of every 100 thousand employees, down 11.7 percent. The road traffic death toll per 10 thousand vehicles was 2.8 persons, down 12.5 percent. The death toll for producing one million tons of coal in coalmines was 0.564 persons, down 24.7 percent.


1.        All figures in this Communiqué are preliminary statistics. Statistics in this Communiqué do not include Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province. Due to the rounding-off reasons, the subentries may not add up to the aggregate totals.

2.        Gross domestic product (GDP) and value added as quoted in this Communiqué are calculated at current prices, whereas their growth rates are at constant prices.

3.        The producer prices for farm products refer to the prices of farm products sold directly by producers.

4.        The number of migrant workers includes those who obtain employment outside their villages and towns for more than six months in the year and those who do non-agricultural work in their villages and towns for more than six months in the year.

5.        Public revenue refers to the revenue with taxes as the main body which was collected by the government as social manager by virtue of state political rights. It is the same as fiscal revenue which was quoted in previous years.

6.        In the figure, the public revenue from 2006 to 2010 was final accounts, and the revenue of 2011 was executive accounts.

7.        From 2011, the cut-off size of industrial enterprises above designated size raised from an annual revenue from primary activities above 5 million yuan to 20 million yuan

8.        Six highly energy-consuming industries are: manufacture of raw chemical materials and chemical products, manufacture of non-metallic mineral products, smelting and pressing of ferrous metals, smelting and pressing of non-ferrous metals, oil processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing, and production and supply of electricity and heat.

9.        Output and consumption of rolled steel include duplicated counting of rolled steel as intermediate inputs used for producing other types of rolled steel.

10.   From 2011, the cut-off size of fixed assets investment projects rose from a total planned investment above 500 thousand yuan to 5 million yuan, thus the completed investment in fixed assets of the country in 2011 is incomparable with that in 2010, but the growth rates over previous years are calculated on a comparable basis. Meantime, the monthly statistical system of fixed assets investment expanded the coverage from urban areas to rural enterprises and institutions, and defined it as the investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households).

11.   The national total of fixed assets investment is larger than the aggregate sum by adding up the subtotals of fixed assets investment in the eastern areas, central areas, western areas and northeast areas due to the fact that some of the trans-regional investments are not covered by regional figures. The eastern areas include 10 provinces and municipalities: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong and Hainan; central areas cover 6 provinces: Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan; western areas include 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipality: Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang; northeastern areas include 3 provinces: Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang.

12.   The investment in real estate includes the investment made in real estate development, construction of buildings for own use, property management, intermediary services and other real estate development.

13.   High-speed railways refer to railways with a highest operating speed reaching 200km/h or above.

14.   From 2010, new grouping method is adopted for the statistics on the total retail sales of consumer goods: grouping according to operation location changes from city, county and below county level to urban and rural areas; grouping according to industries is cancelled and new grouping according to retail sales of commodities and earnings of catering is added.

15.   The turnover of post and telecommunication services in 2011 is calculated at constant prices of 2010, while that from 2001 to 2010 are calculated at 2000 constant prices. Therefore, the volume of 2011 cannot be compared with that of 2010, but the growth rate over previous year is calculated on a comparable basis.

16.   The capacity of mobile phone switchboard refers to the number of maximum concurrent users calculated by the mobile phone switchboard according to certain calling model and switchboard processing capacity.

17.   3G refers to the third generation cellular mobile communication system (3rd-generation, abbreviated as 3G), 3G mobile phone users refer to those who have records in the billing system and use 3G network resources at the end of the reporting period.

18.   The original premium income received by the insurance companies refers to the premium income from original insurance contracts confirmed by the insurance companies.

19.   The growth rate of original premium income is calculated according to the Interpretation No.2 to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises which started its full scale operation in 2011.

20.   Special movies refer to those using different display modes in terms of projection techniques, equipment and program as compared with the ordinary cinemas, such as IMAX movies, 3D movies, 4D movies, multidimensional movies and fulldome movies.

21.   Social service institutions with accommodation include adoption agencies as well as aid agencies, community agencies, military sanatoriums, military supply stations and etc.

22.   Five-guarantees relief in rural areas refers to villagers who are aged, disabled or under the age of 16 and have no ability to work, no source of income and no statutory obligors to provide for them, bring them up or support them, or whose statutory obligors have no ability to provide for them, bring them up or support them, shall enjoy life-care and physical care in terms of food, clothing, housing, medical care and funeral expenses.

23.   Population live in places other than their household registration refer to those whose current residences are different from the registered towns or streets which they have left for more than half a year.

24.   Floating population refer to the population who live in places other than their household registration, excluding those with current residence different from the place of their household registration in the same city. Population live in places other than their household registration in the same city refer to those whose current residence are different from the registered towns or streets in the same district or in different districts in the same municipality or prefecture-level city.

25.   The median of per capita income refers to the per capita income of household lied in the middle of all surveyed households which are ranked from low to high based on per capital income level.

26.   The number of people covered in urban basic health insurance programs for staff and workers include staff and workers and retirees insured. The urban basic health insurance programs for residents cover the urban non-employed residents who are not insured by the urban basic health insurance programs for staff and workers.

27.   Total supply of state-owned land for construction use refers to the supply of state-owned land for construction use with the land-used right sold, allocated or leased to units or individuals by the municipal or county governments according to annual land supply plan and in line with relevant laws in the reporting period.

28.   Land used for real estate refers to the sum of land used for commercial service and for residence.

29.   The consumption of water and energy for producing 10 thousand yuan worth of GDP and water consumption for every 10 thousand yuan worth of industrial value added are calculated at 2010 constant prices, while that of 2006 to 2010 are calculated at 2005 constant prices. Therefore, the volume of 2011 could not be compared with that of 2010, but the growth rate over previous year is calculated on a comparable basis.

30.   The consumption of major kinds of raw materials is the apparent consumption, i.e. the output plus net imports (imports-exports); inventory change is not included.

Data Sources:

In this communiqué, data of newly increased employed people, unemployment rate through unemployment registration and social security are from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; data of foreign exchange reserves and exchange rate are from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange; financial data are from the Ministry of Finance; data of output of aquatic products are from the Ministry of Agriculture; data of production of timber, forestry and forest fires are from the State Forestry Administration; data of areas with effective irrigation system and water resources are from the Ministry of Water Resources; data of newly increased power generating capacity and newly increased power transformer equipment with a capacity of over 220 kilovolts are from China Electricity Council; data of new railways put into operation, double-track railways put into operation, electrified railways put into cooperation and railway transportation are from the Ministry of Railways; data of new highways, new cargo-handling capacity of berths for over 10000-tonnage ships, highway transportation, waterway transportation and volume of freight handled by ports are from the Ministry of Transport; data of new lines of optical-fiber cables, new capacity of digital cellular mobile phone switchboards, the number of phone users and internet users etc. are from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; data of indemnificatory housing, treatment of city sewage, area with central heating systems and greenery coverage are from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; data of imports and exports of goods are from the General Administration of Customs; data of foreign direct investment, overseas direct investment, overseas contracted projects and overseas labor contracts are from the Ministry of Commerce; data of civil aviation are from the General Administration of Civil Aviation; data of pipelines are from China National Petroleum Corporation and China Petrochemical Corporation; data of motor vehicles for civilian use are from the Ministry of Public Security; data of post services are from the State Post Bureau; data of tourism are from the National Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Public Security; data of money and finance are from the People's Bank of China; data of listed companies are from the China Securities Regulatory Commission; data of corporate funds, national engineering research centers, enterprise technical centers and venture capital investment for boosting new emerging industries are from the National Development and Reform Commission; data of insurances are from China Insurance Regulatory Commission; data of education are from the Ministry of Education; data of national technology research and development program and technology transfer contracts are from the Ministry of Science and Technology; data of patents are from the State Intellectual Property Office; data of satellite launch are from the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense; data of quality inspection, development and revision of national standards are from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; data of weather warning, average temperature and typhoon are from the China Meteorological Administration; data of earthquakes are from the China Seismological Bureau; data of mapping are from the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping; data of oceanic observation stations, direct economic loss caused by oceanic disasters and occurrence area of red tides are from the State Oceanic Administration; data of art-performing groups, museums, public libraries and culture centers are from the Ministry of Culture; data of radio, television and movies are from the Administration of Radio, Film and Television; data of newspapers, magazines and books are from the General Administration of Press and Publication; data of documents are from the State Archives Administration; data of sports are from the General Administration of Sport; data of health and new cooperative medical care system in rural areas are from the Ministry of Health; data of social services, minimum living allowances, five-guarantees relief, direct economic loss caused by natural disasters, areas of crops hit by natural disasters, direct economic loss and death roll caused by flood and waterlog, landslide and debris flow, direct economic loss caused by drought, direct economic loss and death roll caused by low temperature, frost and snow are from the Ministry of Civil Affairs; data of supply of state-owned land for construction use are from the Ministry of Land and Resources; data of environment monitoring are from the Ministry of Environmental Protection; data of work safety are from the State Administration of Work Safety; all the other data are from the National Bureau of Statistics.

In case of any discrepancy between English translation and the original Chinese text, the Chinese edition shall prevail. 

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