According to the Reform on China's GDP Accounting and Data Release System (NBS Documentation No.70, 2003), Annual GDP accounting including three procedures: preliminary accounting, preliminary verification and final verification. According to the information from 2011 annual statistical reporting, financial information of some industries, information from sampling surveys, preliminary verification on 2011 GDP data was conducted by NBS recently. The results are as follows: After preliminary verification, the aggregate of GDP at current price in 2011 was 47,288.2 billion yuan, added 131.8 billion yuan than that of preliminary accounting data, with growth rate of 9.3 percent at constant price, and increased 0.1 percentage points over the preliminary accounting data. Of the total, the value-added of the primary industry was 4,748.6 billion yuan, decreased 22.6 billion yuan over the preliminary accounting data, with growth rate of 4.3 percent, and dropped 0.2 percentage points over the preliminary accounting data; that of the secondary industry was 22,041.3 billion yuan, a decrease of 17.9 billion yuan over the preliminary accounting data, with growth rate of 10.3 percent; and decreased 0.3 percentage points over the preliminary accounting data; that of the tertiary industry was 20,498.3 billion yuan, an increase of 172.3 billion yuan, with growth rate of 9.4 percent, and increased 0.5 percentage points comparing with the preliminary accounting data. Based on the results of preliminary verification, the structure is that the primary industry took a share of 10.0 percent, while the secondary industry and the tertiary industry took a share of 46.6 and 43.4 percent respectively.