Trade Resources Economy In January This Year New Motor Vehicle Registrations in The Country Decreased 11.7 Percent

In January This Year New Motor Vehicle Registrations in The Country Decreased 11.7 Percent

According to a report issued by Brazilian auto dealer association Fenabrave, in January this year new motor vehicle registrations in the country decreased 11.7 percent month on month, following the 9.1 percent month-on-month decrease recorded in December 2012. Brazilian new motor vehicle registrations in January were up 7.1 percent year on year, totaling 450,770 units. In 2012, Brazilian new motor vehicle registrations had decreased by 2.25 percent year on year to 5.6 million units.

In January this year, Brazilian new car and light commercial vehicle registrations fell 13.6 percent month on month and were up 17.5 percent compared to January 2012 amounting to 296,853 units.

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Brazil's Motor Vehicle Sales Down 11.7% in Jan From Dec
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