Trade Resources Economy The Cabinet Has Put Forth a Plan for Appropriating NT$300 Million in Three Years

The Cabinet Has Put Forth a Plan for Appropriating NT$300 Million in Three Years

Taipei, Oct. 22, 2012 (CENS)--The Executive Yuan (the Cabinet) has put forth a plan for appropriating NT$300 million in three years, which will be used to subsidize the pays of 300 biotech doctors for receiving one–year re-training at related institutions for their employment by the industry or the creation of start-up businesses afterwards. 

The plan aims to cultivate high-caliber talent, enhance the level of biotech R&D, and improve the unemployment of two thirds of graduates with biotech doctorate degree. 

The plan is similar to a program three years ago, according to which the government provided NT$22,000 monthly-pay subsidy for college graduates to undertake internship at local enterprises. Last year, the National Science Council put forth a program, according to which graduates with doctor degree can apply to work at enterprises via schools and receive monthly pay of NT$57,600, half of which will be subsidized by the National Science Council. Under the new plan, the talents with biotech doctoral degree with receive annual pay subsidy of NT$1 million.

Chang Shan-cheng, minister without portfolio, remarked that for schools or related institutions to obtain the free high-caliber biotech talent, they must make sure that those biotech doctors can obtain employment at enterprises or initiate start-ups one year later. 

A government official in charge attributed the existence of large numbers of unemployed talent with biotech doctoral degree to the extensive establishment of biotech graduate schools for encouraging the development of the biotech industry under the former DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) regime, leading to the generation of excessive number of talents with biotech doctoral degree. 

Chang Shan-cheng pointed out that presently there are 400 new graduates with biotech doctoral degree a year, compared with demand of 140 by the industry. The aforementioned program of the Executive Yuan will offer 100 vacancies a year for placement of unemployed biotech doctors at proper places, such as schools or research institutions, to increase the willingness of the industry to employ those talents.

(by Philip Liu)

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Gov’T Plans to Re-Train Biotech Doctoral Talents for Employment by Industry