Demands have been received from certain quarters for review of mineral concessions granted for various minerals including iron ore.
Such demands have been made in respect of some mineral rich States primarily alleging that allotments of mineral concessions have been made by not strictly following the prescribed norms.
The mineral concession proposals recommended by the State Governments for prior approval of the Central Government are examined strictly in the light of the provisions of the MMDR Act, 1957 and Rules framed there under. The Ministry of Mines has issued clear and elaborate guidelines from time to time on various aspects of grant of mineral concessions which are available on the Ministry's website.
Mineral concession proposals which are not in accordance with the provisions of the Act, Rules and guidelines are rejected and returned to the State Governments. Besides, the Ministry has taken several other steps like constitution of the Coordination cum Empowered Committee on Mineral Development and Regulation; holding meetings with the State Governments regularly; use of internet services for giving on line status of mineral concession cases etc.
As provided in Section 30 of the MMDR Act, 1957, the Central Government may of its own motion or on application made within the prescribed time by an aggrieved party, revise any order made by a State Government or other authority in exercise of the powers conferred on it by or under the Act with respect to any mineral other than a minor mineral.
Accordingly, revision applications are entertained by the Central Government.