Trade Resources Economy The Industrial Profits of Enterprises Above Designated Size Achieved 3,003.22 Billion Yuan

The Industrial Profits of Enterprises Above Designated Size Achieved 3,003.22 Billion Yuan

Industrial Profits from Principal Business Increased from January to July National Bureau of Statistics of China

From January to July, the industrial profits of enterprises above designated size achieved 3,003.22 billion yuan, an increase of 11.1 percent over the same period last year, remained at the same level over the first six months, of which, the industrial profits from principal business achieved 3,134.68 billion yuan[1], an increase of 5.1 percent over the same period last year, 2.1 percentage points lower than that in the first six months.

In July, the industrial profits of enterprises above designated size achieved 4,195.5 billion yuan, an increase of 11.6 percent over the same period last year, up by 5.3 percentage points over the previous month. Of which, the industrial profits from principal business achieved 34.55 billion yuan, an increase of 1.8 percent over the same period last year, while the industrial profits from principal business in June decreased 2.3 percent over the same period last year.

From January to July, the profits of state-owned and state-holding industrial enterprises above designated size gained 833.19 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5 percent over the same period last year, of which, the industrial profits from principal business achieved 728.51 billion yuan, an increase of 2.7 percent over the same period last year; that of collective-owned enterprises reached 43.06 billion yuan, increased 0.3 percent, of which, the industrial profits from principal business achieved 47.82 billion yuan, a decrease of 5.9 percent; that of joint-stock enterprises stood at 1,749.12 billion yuan, increased 9.2 percent, of which, the industrial profits from principal business achieved 1,843.87 billion yuan, an increase of 2.5 percent; that of foreign funded enterprises, and enterprises funded from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan achieved 698.78 billion yuan, increased 14.8 percent, of which, the industrial profits from principal business achieved 680.52 billion yuan, an increase of 13.2 percent; and that of private enterprises gained 943.93 billion yuan, increased 15.4 percent, of which, the industrial profits from principal business achieved 1,123.96 billion yuan, an increase of 4.2 percent.

From January to July, within 41 branches of industrial divisions, the industrial profits from principal business of 27 industrial divisions increased over the same period last year, that of 11 declined, 2 industries turned to get net profits from loss, and the loss of 1 industry decreased over the same period last year.

From January to July, the revenue from principal business of enterprises above designated reached 55,997.48 billion yuan, increased 11.0 percent over the same period last year. The cost of main business revenue for per hundred yuan stood at 85.84 yuan, with the profit margin hit 5.36 percent when calculated with total profits, and 5.60 percent when calculated with profits from principal business.

Industrial Profits From Principal Business Increased From January to July

Industrial Profits From Principal Business Increased From January to July_1

Industrial Profits From Principal Business Increased From January to July_2

From January to July, the revenue from principal business of state-owned and state-holding industrial enterprises grew to 14,340.44 billion yuan, increased 5.4 percent over the same period last year, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 82.85 yuan, with the profit margin (calculated with profits from principal business, similarly hereinafter) hit 5.08 percent; that of collective-owned enterprises reached 651.79 billion yuan, increased 5.7 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 85.95 yuan, with the margin hit 7.34 percent; that of joint-stock enterprises reached 32,923,01 billion yuan, increased 12.6 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 85.71 yuan, with the margin hit 5.60 percent, that of foreign funded enterprises, and enterprises funded from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan achieved 13,331.15 billion yuan, increased 8.2 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 86.41 yuan, with the margin hit 5.10 percent; and that of private enterprises gained 17,583.29 billion yuan, increased 15.7 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 87.25 yuan, with the margin hit 6.39 percent.

Industrial Profits From Principal Business Increased From January to July_3

By the end of July, the total volume of receivable accounts for industrial enterprises hit 8,981.89 billion yuan, went up by 12.7 percent over the same period last year. The total value of finished products for industrial enterprises accounted for 3,167.4 billion yuan, went up by 6.1 percent over the same period last year.

Key Financial Indicators of Industrial Enterprises

above Designated Size from January to July


Indicators Revenue from  Total Profits Profits from Principal Business
Principal Business 
Accumulated to July (100 million yuan) Increase rate Y/Y Accumulated to July (100 million yuan) Increase rate Y/Y Accumulated to July (100 million yuan) Increase rate Y/Y
(%) (%) (%)
Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size 559974.8 11 30032.2 11.1 31346.8 5.1
Grouped by Status of Registration 1            
State Owned & State-Holding Enterprises 143404.4 5.4 8331.9 5.5 7285.1 2.7
 Private Enterprises 175832.9 15.7 9439.3 15.4 11239.6 4.2
Collective-owned Enterprises 6517.9 5.7 430.6 0.3 478.2 -5.9
 Joint-Stock Enterprises 329230.1 12.6 17491.2 9.2 18438.7 2.5
 Enterprises with Funds From Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and Foreign Funded Enterprises 133311.5 8.2 6987.8 14.8 6805.2 13.2
Grouped by Industries            
Mining and Washing of Coal 18471.5 -1.5 1193.2 -43.8 1227.5 -43.9
Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 6613.4 1 2310.5 -8.4 2431.8 -9.5
 Mining of Ferrous Metal Ores 5128.4 12 456.8 -7.2 494.4 -4.5
 Mining of Non-Ferrous Metal Ores 3263.9 11 342.4 -9.9 365.8 -12.7
Mining And Processing of Nonmetal Ores 2551.8 14.8 177.9 12.5 222.6 -6.7
Processing of Food From Agricultural Products 31752.3 14.6 1383.2 10.1 1701.4 6
 Manufacture of Foods 9786.3 16.5 757.2 19.2 812.6 11.2
 Manufacture of Wines, Beverage and Refined Tea 8416.9 12.7 859.9 11.5 893.5 5.4
Manufacture of Cigarettes And Tobacco 5080.1 10.1 806.6 16 784.9 14.9
 Manufacture of Textile 19537.3 13.3 925.3 17.9 1051.8 3.3
Manufacture of Textile Wearing Apparel And Ornament 10184.2 11.2 521.2 10.9 583 0.2
Manufacture of Leather, Fur, Feather and Its Products 6813.8 11.4 393.6 11.9 452.6 2.9
Processing of Timbers, Manufacture of Wood, Bamboo, Rattan, Palm, and Straw Products 6360 18.8 363.5 24.1 435 8.1
 Manufacture of Furniture 3406.1 12.2 181.5 16.6 204.5 1.4
 Manufacture of Paper and Paper Products 7483.6 8.6 346.3 13.5 364 5.9
Printing, Reproduction of Recording Media 2782.5 13.5 198.2 11.9 204.2 7.5
Manufacture of Articles for Culture, Education, Artwork, Sport and Entertainment Activity 6456.7 15.7 275.6 10.7 314.3 3.6
Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing of Nucleus Fuel 22950.1 2.9 112.4 (Note 2) 122.4 (Note 3)
Manufacture of Chemical Raw Material and Chemical Products 41567.2 12.8 1858.3 8.4 2021.4 1.7
 Manufacture of Medicines 11088 19.2 1062.1 16.9 1073.5 11.6
 Manufacture of Chemical Fibres 4066.2 10.4 100.4 19.3 88.9 30.8
Manufacture of Rubber and Plastics Products 14711.4 13 826.6 21.2 913.1 10.6
Manufacture of Non-Metallic Mineral Products 27108.6 15.7 1684 19.1 1899.2 10
Manufacture and Processing of Ferrous Metals 43160.5 5.9 506.1 27.9 592.2 26
Manufacture and Processing of Non-Ferrous Metals 25397 13.2 548.4 -10.4 656 -19.2
Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products 17527.4 13.7 822.5 17.5 939.8 6.8
Manufacture of General-Purpose Machinery 23161.9 11.1 1398.3 11 1524.2 4.7
Manufacture of Special-Purpose Machinery 17240.6 10.5 1057.9 2.1 1091.4 -4.3
Manufacture of Motor Vehicles 33016.4 15.5 2692 19.7 2209 10.2
Manufacture of Railway Locomotives, Building of Ships and Boats, Manufacture of Air and Spacecrafts and Other Transportation Equipments 8448 0.9 391.8 -2.8 422.7 -1.7
Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Equipment 32814.5 12.5 1515.6 11.3 1598.7 5.5
Manufacture of Computer, Communication Equipment and Other Electronic Equipment 41513.4 11.7 1313.1 29 1330 25.8
Manufacture of Measuring Instrument and Meter 4071.4 16.6 296.8 9.9 277.8 3.8
Production and Supply of Electric Power and Heat Power 30645 7 1968.4 73.5 1742.7 91.2
Production and Distribution of Gas 2185.6 16.6 200.9 20.8 155.8 22.1
Production and Distribution of Water 782.9 12.7 36.4 148.5 -8.2 (Note 4)


1. Due to the overlap of economic type grouping, the total is not equal to the total of sub-items.

2. The total profits of processing of petroleum, coking, processing of nucleus fuel of the same period last year reached -34.04 billion yuan.

3. The profits from principal business of processing of petroleum, coking, processing of nucleus fuel of the same period last year reached -33.04 billion yuan.

4. The profits from principal business of production and distribution of water of the same period last year reached -1.80 billion yuan.


1. Explanatory Notes:

Total Profits: refer to the final achievement of production and operation activities of the enterprises, represented by total profits after deducting losses (loss is expressed by the negative figure).

Profits from principal business = Revenue from principal business – Cost of principal business – Tax and extra charges of principal business – Selling expenses – Administrative expenses – Financial expenses

Revenue from Principal Business: refers to total income of enterprises gained from principal business operation.

Receivable Accounts: refers to the funds received by enterprises from units purchasing goods or receiving labor services through selling goods, products, proving labor services and etc.

Finished Goods: refers to manufactured products which are ready for sale by the end of report period.

The costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan = The cost of revenue from principal business / The revenue from principal business×100

Profit margin calculated with total profits = Total profits/The revenue from principal business×100%

Profit margin calculated with profits from principal business = Profits from principal business / The revenue from principal business×100%

2. Statistical Coverage

Since 2011, enterprises above designated size refers to all industrial enterprises with revenue from principal business over 20 million yuan (the former is 5 million yuan).

3. Data Collection

Since 2011, the Financial Report of Enterprises Above Designated Size conducts complete survey by month (the data on January are not required to report).

4. Standard Industrial Classification

Since 2012, the new Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T 4754-2011) was implemented by NBS, the industrial divisions were expanded to 41 from 39.

[1]Note: From May 2013, the indicator of profits from principal business is added under the total profits. Profits from principal business = revenue from principal business – cost of principal business – tax and extra charges of principal business – selling expenses – administrative expenses – financial expenses. The indicator of profits from principal business has a closer relationship with industrial production, and can better reflect the operating results of industrial production activities.


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Industrial Profits From Principal Business Increased From January to July
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