Trade Resources Economy US Toluene Disproportionation Margins Were Estimated at Minus $15.09/mt Friday

US Toluene Disproportionation Margins Were Estimated at Minus $15.09/mt Friday

US toluene disproportionation margins were estimated at minus $15.09/mt Friday, based on Platts data, putting them in negative territory for the first time since November 15, when they were estimated at minus 55 cents/mt.

Estimated TDP margins became negative amid decreasing benzene levels, against firm US spot toluene and MX levels.

Benzene prices have faced downward pressure as one producer has sought to unload a lot of product, sources said, causing supply to outpace current demand. US spot benzene was assessed Friday at $4.63/gal FOB US.

Spot toluene was assessed Friday at $4.45/gal ($1,353/mt) FOB US Gulf Coast and has remained firm in the mid-$4.40s/gal to lower $4.50s/gal since February 7.

Spot MX was assessed Friday at $4.55/gal ($1,379/mt) FOB USG and has been steady in the mid-$4.50s/gal to lower $4.60s/gal.

Spot toluene and MX prices have been firm against limited market supply.

Platts did not assess the market Monday because of the US Presidents Day holiday.

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Toluene Disproportionation Margins Negative for The First Time Since November 15
Topics: Chemicals