The Andhra Pradesh government recently requested the Railways to set up a rail coach building factory in Rayalaseema region of the state to contribute to its development and generate employment.
Mr N Kiran Kumar Reddy CM requested Union Minister of State for Railways Mr Kotla Suryaprakasa Reddy to set up the coach factory in the backward Rayalaseema.
He also wanted the Railways to expedite works related to the wagon factory at Kazipet in Telangana region.
Mr Kotla said that the financial position of Railways was bad and as such all development projects were getting delayed.
He said that"As an MP,I complained about the injustice done to AP in railway projects.As a minister,I will now ensure that justice is done to the state in the next Railway Budget.We will also complete all pending projects."
He added that the railways was focusing on increasing safety and comfort of passengers.The MoS said two new trains from Visakhapatnam to Shirdi and Tirupati would be launched on December 15th.
Mr GN Asthana general manager of South Central Railway said that of the 16 new Express trains sanctioned to AP this year,8 were already introduced.