ReCycle,based in Los Angeles have 3 different aluminium bike models and they're looking for USD 105,000 in pledges on Kickstarter to get the project off the ground.
ReCycle's Bryce Edmonds said that"Our prototypes are alive,well and rolling down a street near you if you live in Los Angeles.Against so many odds,we've managed to create a head-turning bicycle made from 100%recycled aluminum making it the greenest transportation option available anywhere."
Mr Edmonds said that"Now,it's time to roll The ReCycle forward and start reducing carbon output and waste by reusing aluminum through a closed-loop,recycling mission to create new and awesome bikes from old and worn out materials.They're initially looking for 50 orders for their mBula because that's the minimum their bike builder needs to keep the prices reasonable.From there,they're after 50 orders for each of the other two bikes."
Backers are rewarded with various products depending on the size of the donation.A USD 35 pledge for example,gets you a T-shirt while a pledge of USD 2,250 gets you the singlespeed version of the mBula bike so you're effectively buying a bike for that price and supplying one of the 50 orders ReCycle need.The most noticeable feature of the range is that each frame is built without a seat tube.Why?
ReCycle said that we took out the seat tube because it's not necessary and just looks so damn cool.It's probably as simple as that.Plus,why do the same when you can do different and better?That's a pretty decent life motto as far as we're concerned.