The SVHC Roadmap 2020 focuses on finding new potentially relevant substances of very high concern (SVHC) with CMR, sensitising, PBT/vPvB and/or endocrine disrupting properties.
The best regulatory risk management option should then be identified to manage their risks, using either REACH or CLP (authorisation, restriction or harmonised classification and labelling), or another piece of legislation. Substance evaluation may also be needed to clarify the concern before regulatory risk management action is taken.
Information about the roadmap and its practical implementation plan, including information on the work of four substance specific groups, has now been published on ECHA's website. Later, as the implementation of the roadmap progresses, more information on the activities concerning particular substances will also be made available.
"Transparency is one of the cornerstones of the implementation of the roadmap. Publicly available information will help stakeholders to understand the roadmap's objectives, scope and practical implementation, including timelines. It will also increase the predictability on what risk management measures regulatory authorities recommend for substances with certain hazard/fate and use profiles," says Geert Dancet, ECHA's Executive Director.