Trade Resources Economy Venezuelans Scrambling to Stock up on Toilet Paper

Venezuelans Scrambling to Stock up on Toilet Paper

Venezuelans scrambled to stock up on toilet paper although the government promised to import 50 million rolls, foreign media reported.

Venezuelans Scrambling to Stock up on Toilet Paper

Due to years of economic dysfunction, Venezuelans has been used to the shortage of medicines and basic food items like milk and sugar. But the shortage of toilet paper set off unusual alarm bell.
Economist believed that exchange controls and prices controls which aims to enable residents in the poorest area to buy basic items, lead to the shortage of some consumer goods.

Commerce Secretary said that because of anti-government forces, including the private sector, are causing the shortages in an effort to destabilize the country. The government this week announced it would import 760,000 tons of food and 50 million rolls of toilet paper.

That was little comfort to consumers scrambling to stock up on toilet paper. Many factories operate at half capacity because the currency controls make it hard for them to pay for imported parts and materials. Business leaders say some companies verge on bankruptcy because they cannot extend lines of credit with foreign suppliers.

Patience is wearing thin among consumers who face shortages and long lines at supermarkets and pharmacies. Last month, Venezuela's scarcity index reached its highest level since 2009, while the 12-month inflation rate has risen to nearly 30 percent. Shoppers often spend several days looking for basic items, and stock up when they find them.


Written by Nicolas Yang

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