Mr Beni Prasad Verma the minister of Steel said that in SAIL plants/units including Durgapur Steel Plant, job contracts are awarded to contractors through a tendering process for carrying out jobs of temporary, intermittent/seasonal nature as also for Projects & current Expansion and Modernization activities as per organizational requirements.
The contractor engages contract labor as per requirement and the terms and conditions of engagement are settled between the Contractor and the Contract Workers for the actual period of contract/engagement.
As principal employer, SAIL plants are ensuring strict compliance of all the statutory obligations.
In a written reply in the Lok Sabha, Mr Verma said that the Government has not proposed to regularize the skilled and experienced contract workers in a phased manner. However, the issues pertaining to Contract Labor are dealt in terms of the provisions of the Contract Labor Act, 1970. Regularization of contract labor is not envisaged under the Act.