The data that the Office of Natural Resources and Energy of Japan's Ministry of Economy announced on January 9 show that on January 7, the average retail price of regular gasoline in Japan rose 148.80 yen / liter, compared to last week (December 25) 0.80 yen up, and for five consecutive weeks showed a rising trend. The reason was that recently in the foreign exchange market, the yen remained low, with the rising prices of crude oil imports gradually reflected in the retail price.
In addition, kerosene retail price showed a rising trend for 6 weeks. Mizuho Research Institute in charge of the investigating thought that the price of gasoline and kerosene will slowly rise in the short term. High-octane gasoline in Japan, the national average retail price rose 0.80 yen to 159.60 yen; while the diesel rose 0.70 yen to 128.50 yen.
Note: This presentation uses real-time exchange rate of 1 dollars= 88.0100yen.