Trade Resources Industry Trends Turkey Exported Steel Wire Products in This February,Falling by 36.1% From a Month Ago

Turkey Exported Steel Wire Products in This February,Falling by 36.1% From a Month Ago

According to data released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), Turkey exported 76,989 tons of steel wire products in this February, falling by 36.1% from a month ago and decreasing by 27.5% year on year. Meanwhile, the export prices averaged at US$614/ton, lower than US$653/ton in the same period of a year ago. In February, Israel was the largest importer of Turkey's steel products with 13,501 tons, jumping by 58.9%; Brazil was the second largest one with 12,458 tons, soaring by 7.1 times, both compared to the figures in the same period of a year ago.

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Turkey's Exports of Steel Wire Products Fall in February
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