Because of struggling economy of developed countries, global demand for consumer electronic products declined in 2012. However, it is expected to rebound in 2013, growing by one trillion U.S. dollars.
Although industry researchers said they had considered consumer technology spending in 2012 would increase by 4%, the actual situation was just the opposite. According to preliminary statistics, the North American market did not grow, especially in the second half of the year and the western European market contracted obviously. In addition, it shrunk dramatically in TV market.
The growth in emerging markets was not enough to offset the decline in developed countries.
GFK Group predicted that the industry would grow again in 2013, but the increase would be moderate. The European Retailers Weekly data shows that sale of tablet PCs is growing rapidly, while the computer sale is dumping. Mobile device is growing faster than any other category of equipment.
GFK Group pointed out that smart phones and tablet PCs were expected to account for 40% of the total global spending on technology in 2013.
The company said that the reasons for the growing popularity of smart phones and tablet PCs can be attributed to the internal use of these devices and ability to perform other specialized equipment. For example, customers in emerging markets are prone to avoid the purchase of professional cameras or game consoles, but to purchase a smart phone or tablet, and this trend is likely to continue.
Destroyed effects equipment will continue to appear in the market. Google Chrome book runs a special version of its Web browser as its main operating system, which has been the most popular in the UK. Note phablet of Samsung Electronics Company is a product in blur boundaries between smart phone and Tablet PC.