Many kitchens feature tile in some aspect of the room. Whether used for flooring, walls, backsplash or countertop, tile is the most commonly used material for kitchen. While it may seem like an obvious choice to use tile in your own kitchen, there are an overwhelming amount of kitchen tile types to pick from. Here are the most popular tiles to use in a kitchen: Ceramic Tile This is a popular choice because it is quite affordable, and comes in a huge variety of different styles, colors and designs. This means it will match any decor plan in the home. Porcelain Tile This is a very similar choice to ceramic, although the material is even harden and slightly more expensive. However, thanks to a consistent color throughout the tile, scratches and cracks won’t show if they ever appear. Glass Tile This is generally a more decorative tile choice, rather than for use throughout the kitchen. It can add color and light to a room when used as a border for windows or as a colorful backsplash behind the kitchen sink. Ceramic, porcelain and glass tiles are just three of the most popular kitchen tile types that might work in your own home. Source: