Trade Resources Industry Trends China's Vegetable, Fruit, Nut, etc Food Preparations Export Analysis in 215

China's Vegetable, Fruit, Nut, etc Food Preparations Export Analysis in 215

Tags: Vegetable, Fruit

Distribution of China's Vegetable, Fruit, Nut, etc Food Preparations Export Enterprises

Region Total Export value(USD) Percentage
Shandong 2,251,720,342,000,000,00 30.50%
Fujian 846,801,182,000,000,00 11.50%
Zhejiang 538,576,482,000,000,00 7.30%
Jiangsu 456,993,667,000,000,00 6.20%
Xinjiang 436,672,151,000,000,00 5.90%

From January to December, Shandong, Fujian and Zhejiang were the main regions where China's vegetable, fruit, nut, etc food preparations export enterprise located. Shandong's vegetable, fruit, nut, etc food preparations export value accounted for 30.5% of China's total.

Major Countries/Regions for China Vegetable, Fruit, Nut, etc Food Preparations Export

No. Country/Region Export Value Y-o-Y
Volume(kg) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Japan 794,714,646 1,679,534,709 -4.40% -6.10%
2 America 766,608,549 1,098,702,916 6.50% 1.60%
3 Korea 423,589,045 613,675,024 1.60% -0.70%
4 Russia  249,213,821 315,656,700 -16.20% -28.40%
5 Germany 120,175,339 224,979,424 -0.50% -5.50%
6 Thailand 93,129,502 220,086,040 6.20% 7.60%
7 Malaysia 96,530,464 191,453,999 -4.20% -16.80%
8 HK 49,741,108 168,084,996 -10.90% -1.30%
9 Taiwan 45,412,992 158,982,620 13.30% 3%
10 Spain 62,429,981 145,164,428 12.40% 9%

China's Vegetable, Fruit, Nut, etc Food Preparations Export Analysis in 215

From Jan. to Dec. in 2015, Japan, America, Korea, Russia Federation, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, HK, Taiwan and Spain were major countries for China's vegetable, fruit, nut, etc food preparations, among of which, Japan topped the list of the export value. The export value to Japan accounted for 22.7% of China's vegetable, fruit, nut, etc food preparations total export value from January to December in 2015.

Major Countries/Regions in need of Vegetable, Fruit, Nut, etc Food Preparations

Importing Country/Region

Import Value(USD)

















From January to September in 2015, as the largest importing country for vegetable, fruit, nut, etc food preparations, America's import value was USD 5741 million.

Major Vegetable, Fruit, Nut, etc Food Preparations Exporting Countries from Jan. to Sep. in 2015

Exporting Country/Region Export Value(USD) Y-o-Y
China 5,392,303,000 -4.10%
America 4,039,584,000 2.60%
Netherlands 3,719,051,000 -11.60%
Italy 2,591,419,000 -13.40%
Belgium 2,557,560,000 -15.60%

From January to September, China was the largest export country for vegetable, fruit, nut, etc food preparations, with the export value of USD 5392 million.

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