In spite of yet another weak trend in the second quarter of 2012,German raw-particleboard exports still showed year-on-year growth for the first half of 2012.However,the increase of 6%to 448,232 m3shown in provisional figures from the German federal statistics agency in Wiesbaden is exclusively attributable to results in the first quarter,when German particleboard manufacturers exported a total of 231,100 m3 of raw particleboard,a year-on-year increase of 15%.
Over-proportional growth in the first three months was seen in deliveries to Poland(+49%),Great Britain(+33%),Austria(+27%)and France(+18%).In contrast,German raw-particleboard exports in the second quarter,at 217,132 m3,were slightly down year on year.Among the most important buying countries,there was at best a decrease in growth rates in the second quarter;deliveries to Denmark and Great Britain were even down again.German exports of melamine-coated panels declined even further in the second quarter,so that the half-yearly figures also showed year-on-year falls again.The federal statistics agency had still shown export growth of 3%to 165,893 m3 in the first quarter.In contrast,provisional figures for exports of melamine-coated particleboard in the second quarter showed decline of 11%to 146,000 m3.For the whole of the first half of the year there was therefore a decrease of 4%to 311,893 m3.