The Pokemon franchise has sold a whopping 200 million units worldwide, with the inclusion of spin-offs to the series taking the number closer to 300 million.
The staggering figures come via a Japanese press release from Nintendo (translated by NeoGAF user JoeM86). With the inclusion of spin-offs to the core Pokemon series, the franchise has sold 279 million units.
This is a huge number, especially when you discover that only one video game franchise has sold more units - Mario, with 500 million.
If you were born in the 90s, chances are you're a Pokemon fan, and have played and probably bought one of the games. Pokemon is currently celebrating its 20th anniversary, and did so with a bang with the series' first-ever Super Bowl commercial.
Nintendo recently revealed the latest entries in the core Pokemon series: Pokemon Sun and Moon. The games are set to launch on 3DS later this year. Little is known about the games at this point, but we're all eagerly anticipating further announcements.