Switching to vaping is definitely a smart decision. Yet, this does not mean that all ecig products out there are worthy purchases. Knowing about shopping for electronic cigarettes wisely can help guarantee that your hard earned money is indeed well spent.
Wide Ranging Prices
When you are shopping for electronic cigarettes, one important thing to consider is your budget. When consumers have tight budgets, they usually just go for the cheapest product available. Some people could have more money to spent, but choose to settle on a cheap item for some reasons they thought are practical.
Ecigarettes greatly vary in prices from about $5 to as high as $1,000. Although all ecigarette products function based on a single principle, this does not mean that all ecigarettes are the same. For some, cheap products are acceptable since they can already start vaping with such inferior products. This is where the vaping consumers ought to take more caution.
Quality Matters
Researchers from University of California Riverside performed an analysis on low end and mid range ecigarette products they have bought from the c-store.
Low end ecigs are the cigalikes while the mid-range items are those comparable to high end vaporizers, said the researchers. Yet, mid range devices they referred to were actually eGo devices. The analysts used s smoking machine called centrifuge along with electronic scanning microscope to test the store bought electronic cigarettes.
The scientists claim that they have found heavy metals like nickel, copper and tin from the vapors emitted by the low end cigalikes. They reported to have found only trace amounts of the heavy metals from the mid range devices.
They said that during heating, some parts of the metal could get dislodged from the device and get into the wicking material so they found the metals in ecig vapors.
It is important to consider that many first time vapers ar cautious and even apprehensive about the vaping devices they will buy. They are expected to not too easily spend a lot of money on something they will be trying for the first time.
Considering the analysis made by the scientists, it would be smart of smokers to think thoroughly about buying their vape stuff. It is undeniable that c-store electronic cigarettes are a lot cheaper than ecigarettes from specialty stores and online ecig stores.
Yet, these costlier products provide you with assurance and quality in vaping. Quality indeed matters especially with the chances of ecigarette explosions.
There are some cheap products available in the market like cheap batteries without safety vents or features, cheap battery chargers without overcharge protection and eliquids that have not been tested for purity and quality.
You have already made the decision to start living a healthy lifestyle. Do not jeopardize this or possibly regret your decision later by failing to make the right purchase decisions.
Smart Vaping Purchases
Every consumer is capable of making wise shopping decisions. Yet, some fail to utilize this capability. Saving money is not merely on the initial costs of electronic cigarettes. Saving money is also all about getting real value from your purchases as you already use the vape products you have purchased.
Buy only from trusted vendors and sellers. Read product reviews before you purchase any brand or style of product. Your own initiative will help safeguard your own safety.
You should understand that not everything labeled as premium or high quality should already be considered as absolutely true. Be sure to read the list of ingredients and materials used. With eliquids, buy from a trustworthy company like V2 Cigs that subjects every batch of its ejuices to quality tests. V2 also packs its cartridges and eliquids in packaging printed with the expiration date and batch number.