Trade Resources Industry Trends SOAs Are Expected to Hold 71% Share of Global Consumption

SOAs Are Expected to Hold 71% Share of Global Consumption

Of the global market for semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), the integrated SOA chip packaged devices (monolithic multi-diode) are expected to hold 71% share of global consumption (by value) in 2012, and rise to 82% in 2017, according to a new market forecast and analysis report by ElectroniCast Consultants.

Monolithic Multi-Diode Integrated Devices to Increasingly Dominate SOA Market

Graphic: SOA market share value forecast (%), by fabrication configuration.

In the study, the SOA market is segmented into two fabrication configuration categories: discrete chip packaged device and monolithic multi-diode integration (the 'monolithic multi-diode' value is the pro-rated SOA share of total device value on complex photonic integrated circuits).

SOAs have a similar structure to Fabry–Pérot laser diodes but with anti-reflection design elements at the end-faces. High optical nonlinearity makes the SOA an attractive solution for all optical signal processing, such as photonic switching and wavelength conversion, says ElectroniCast. There has been much research on SOAs as elements for optical signal processing, wavelength conversion, clock recovery, signal demultiplexing, and pattern recognition, the firm adds. The report is therefore also segmented by functional product-type: optical switch element, optical amplifier, and wavelength converter.

Integrated with other optical components, SOAs provide high fiber-to-fiber gain, optical gates, entire transceivers, wavelength converters and optically controlled switches and demultiplexers.

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Monolithic Multi-Diode Integrated Devices to Increasingly Dominate SOA Market
Topics: Lighting