Trade Resources Industry Trends The Russian Commercial Freight Market Is Growing 27.5% in 2012

The Russian Commercial Freight Market Is Growing 27.5% in 2012

According to market analysis report form the automobile freight transportation in Russian, the Russian business freight market growth of 27.5% in 2012, up to 798.7 billion rouble.

The Russian Commercial Freight Market Is Growing 27.5% in 2012

The Russian business volumes grow by 12.1% in 2012, 120 billion tons-km. In 2012, the freight volume growth benefited from the following reasons:  road capacity increase; average freight shipping distance increase; cargo weight increase; vehicle rental rate reduction and volume increase.

In the end of 2012, there is total about 4900 freight companies in Russia, 90% of them has branches in Russia.


Written by Dora Men

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