Trade Resources Industry Trends Placebo Are Using 90 Robe Robin 300 LEDWash Fixtures for Their Current Festival Tour

Placebo Are Using 90 Robe Robin 300 LEDWash Fixtures for Their Current Festival Tour

UK-Placebo are using 90 Robe Robin 300 LEDWash fixtures in custom touring frames for their current European festival tour,specified by lighting designer Jvan Morandi.

Morandi is well known for his fresh and innovative visual concepts and has worked for Placebo since their MEDS album in 2006.Each time they go on the road he brings something new and interesting to the visual equation.

This is the first time that he has specified Robe moving lights for one of his touring rigs,which are being supplied by PRG EML Productions.

The main idea behind Placebo's touring'specials package'is that it is exceptionally quick and easy to install in festival situations'underneath'the house rig at each event.

The LEDWash 300s are fitted into five rolling touring-frames specially fabricated by PRG EML Productions.Inside each frame they are rigged in a 6 x 3 format,with 18 luminaires per frame.

As well as the LEDWash 300s,the touring specials include some other moving lights and five GLEC screens.This is designed to ensure they are very self-contained with all the lighting and visuals to produce a unique looking show,needing only front key lights from the house rig.

The entire specials rig can be wheeled onstage,installed,set up,fired up and working in around 45 minutes.The time from the set finishing to the truck doors closing with all Placebo's equipment is around 60 minutes-a serious achievement in terms of speed and efficiency.

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Robe LEDwashes for Placebo Tour
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