Trade Resources Industry Views Indian Market Chittagong Has Been Something of a Disappointment in Recent Weeks

Indian Market Chittagong Has Been Something of a Disappointment in Recent Weeks

With eves firmly focused on the Bangladesh market following the dramatic slump and exhaustion of the Indian market Chittagong has been something of a disappointment in recent weeks, with Buvers onlv really there for select units and even then, at muted levels.

Indeed, obtaining NOCs for the opening of LCs has been something of challenge recently with some new faces in the ministry only just settling into their jobs and the process at the moment, proving far too cumbersome.

Many vessels discharging in the area are simplv not finding buyers particularly handy size bulkers carrying cement clinker as their last cargo.

One deal was done however, from Korean owners, with the vessel positioned in the East the bulker T STAR (7,778 LDT) was sold for a reported firm USD 415/LT LDT.

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