Trade Resources Industry Views Fisher Has Entered Into an Agreement to Distribute Response's Infectious Disease Tests

Fisher Has Entered Into an Agreement to Distribute Response's Infectious Disease Tests

Fisher HealthCare, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, has entered into an agreement to distribute Response's infectious disease point of care (POC) test panel, which currently includes the RAMP Flu A + B test and the RAMP RSV test, in the US.

Response's Flu A + B and RSV tests run on the RAMP 200 Reader diagnostic platform, which features multi-port capability to run up to 12 tests per hour on one module and up to 36 tests per hour, using three modules.

The Reader detects positive or negative results within 15 minutes that are directly correlated with the presence or absence of the Flu A and B nucleoprotein antigens or RSV F-protein antigen.

The fluorescence-reading Reader also eliminates user interpretation errors, which can lead to both false negative or false positive results as well as stores test results, which give lab technicians more flexibility in time and test management.

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Fisher to Distribute Response Infectious Disease Tests in US