Trade Resources Industry Views Profamo VP Chris Nimptsch Tells Ben Bouckley Why Consistency Is King for Beverage Producer

Profamo VP Chris Nimptsch Tells Ben Bouckley Why Consistency Is King for Beverage Producer

Profamo VP Chris Nimptsch tells Ben Bouckley why consistency - and true readings of CO2, Brix and organic acid levels - is king for beverage producers, as he unveils VitalSensors' 'radical' new mid-infrared sensor, the VS3000.

"Obviously, manufacturers of any beverage, whether it be soft drinks, juices, beer, you name it, want a consistent product, want to have their consumers to enjoy the same taste profile," Nimptsch told

"Secondly, there's a financial side to this. If you're a producer of a soft drink, you don't want to put in too much sugar, too much of the various organic acids, if you're a brewer you don't want too much CO2 in your product.

With offices in Florida and California, Profamo represents, sells and services process and laboratory instruments for beverage and brewing industry.

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'Consistent' content is king for beverage producers - Profamo VP