Trade Resources Industry Views Group of Landowners in The Bauxite Mining Area in Bua Revealed in a Survey

Group of Landowners in The Bauxite Mining Area in Bua Revealed in a Survey

A group of landowners in the bauxite mining area in Bua revealed in a survey that they were not part of a decision to begin the mining process.

The survey conducted by the Bua Urban Youth Network in Nawailevu this year showed 20% of respondents felt they were involved in the decision to mine.

The landowners noted there was a general perception that being physically present in the meeting room where discussions took place meant that the concerned person was involved in the decision. Of the 76% of respondents who said they were not included in the decision to mine most were women, youths and older males from outside the landowning unit.

However, Mr Basilio Vanuaca mine manager said members of the landowning units who said they did not know or did not participate in the decision to give their land for the mining must have developed amnesia. I say this because for them to give their land up, they must all sign a document giving their land to the Land Unit.

Mr Vanuaca said that the mining company does not with the landowners. The Land Unit receives a request from the landowners in Nawailevu as the Land Bank Decree states that all landowning units whether in Fiji or overseas must put their approval to paper and send their consent to the Land Unit before the Land Bank does its search to ensure these signatories are for real and that there is no false declaration by anyone.

He said that those who claimed they were unaware of land being given up for development must question whether they received lease money. They all received payments of lease money and will continue to receive them as work continues.

The survey showed that 61% of respondents had no awareness at all of the social impact of mining and 29% felt they had little awareness of the issue. Only 8% of respondents felt they were very aware of the social impact of mining in a community.

Source - The Fiji Times Online 

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