Cheal-E continues to provide good news, with three wells cased as potential oil wells – one of which is being flow tested – and Cheal-E 4 now drilling ahead.
To ensure more reliable production forecasting on future wells, we're following a protocol of initially testing each well individually: with each flowing for approximately 15 days, and then shut in temporarily to conduct pressure and temperature analysis. During this shut-in period, the next well will be placed on a 15-day production test until all new wells at the site have been individually tested and build-up analysis completed.
During its initial 5-day flush period Cheal-E1 was testing at 600 BOEs a day, about 90% of that oil, flowing naturally without the aid of artificial lift. We know that will settle down to a more typical Mt. Messenger well average over the course of the next year, but considering the fact that Cheal E represents a substantial extension of our known oil saturation area at Cheal, we're fully pleased with the results, and happy to be getting the proceeds from the sale of all that oil.