Strengthening its product portfolio further in the Indian market, Dax Networks has launched DX-2116X-NAS-R which is a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) device. DX-2116X-NAS-R has a built-in iSCSI target service, an HDD of 16 hot-swappable and lockable drives where each has a capacity of up to 3TB, 4-Gigabit LAN and 6 USB ports. The swappable drive allows an administrator to replace or upgrade the drive without turning off the device or slowing down the business.
DX-2116X-NAS-R comes with a complete backup solution which is compatible with cloud-based storage such as Amazon S3 and Apple Time Machine. The device is also equipped with RTRR (Real-Time Remote Replication) feature, which does backup of new and modified files immediately to another folder or a remote NAS. The device has an integrated one-touch button that can be configured to create instant data backup from the external USB device to the NAS and vice versa. DX-2116X-NAS-R can be configured for a real-time or scheduled backup.