China is a desirable but also rather difficult market for the UK fashion industry. The different culture, the sheer scale of the country and the inconsistency of rights enforcement create challenges but also opportunities for any fashion business that would like to sell or manufacture in China.
'Making and Selling Fashion in China' seminar will be held at London College of Fashion, John Princes Street, WW1G 0BJ on 14th November.
They have invited a wide range of experts from both the fashion industry (including representatives from Matthew Williamson and Roland Mouret) and business and legal support projects to share their experiences of making and selling fashion in China.
The conference is in two parts, the first part in the morning will cover breaking into the market and trading in China, while the second part will address the challenges of manufacturing for the fashion industry.
This conference is organised by Designer-Manufacturer Innovation Support Centre
(DISC), Own-it and the Centre for Fashion Enterprise with the support of the China IPR SME Helpdesk.
DISC is supporting fashion manufacturers and designers to innovate their business, products and services.