Germany Gas Water Heater(HS:841911)Major Import Market, from Jan. to Aug. 2014
Country/Area |
Cumulative Import Value from Jan. to Aug. 2014(Thousand USD) |
Year-on-Year |
Percentage |
Total |
33,595 |
18.42% |
100.00% |
Spain |
8,494 |
-5.56% |
25.28% |
France |
7,706 |
7529.70% |
22.94% |
Portugal |
7,392 |
3.04% |
22.00% |
China |
7,208 |
-15.68% |
21.46% |
Holland |
2,596 |
14.26% |
7.73% |
Republic of Korea |
54 |
/ |
0.16% |
Italy |
45 |
-77.16% |
0.13% |
Qatar |
34 |
/ |
0.10% |
Slovakia |
16 |
/ |
0.05% |
Switzerland |
13 |
225.00% |
0.04% |
Note:Germany customs data has updated to Aug. 2014.
Among Germany major import markets of Gas Water Heater from Jan. to Aug. 2014, Spain is the largest original country of imported goods, accounting for 25.28% of the total import value of Gas Water Heater imported by Germany. France ranked the second, accounting for 22.94%, while China ranked the fourth, accounting for 21.46%.
Germany Other Water Heater(HS:841919)Major Import Market, from Jan. to Aug. 2014
Country/Area |
Cumulative Import Value from Jan. to Aug. 2014(Thousand USD) |
Year-on-Year |
Percentage |
Total |
170,879 |
-17.45% |
100.00% |
France |
71,831 |
-6.42% |
42.04% |
Poland |
29,374 |
-5.50% |
17.19% |
Austria |
22,481 |
-40.39% |
13.16% |
Switzerland |
14,450 |
-15.87% |
8.46% |
China |
9,827 |
-34.95% |
5.75% |
Italy |
6,770 |
-20.22% |
3.96% |
Holland |
3,044 |
-21.28% |
1.78% |
Slovakia |
2,088 |
6.10% |
1.22% |
United Kingdom |
1,939 |
-29.41% |
1.13% |
Belgium |
1,871 |
-58.42% |
1.09% |
Note:Germany customs data has updated to Aug. 2014.
Among Germany major import markets of Other Water Heater from Jan. to Aug. 2014, France is the largest original country of imported goods, accounting for 42.04% of the total import value of Other Water Heater imported by Germany. Poland ranked the second, accounting for 17.19%, while China ranked the fifth, accounting for 5.75%.
Germany Electric Water Heater(HS:851610)Import Analysis from Jan. to Aug. 2014
Country/Area |
Cumulative Import Value from Jan. to Sep. 2014(Thousand USD) |
Year-on-Year |
Percentage |
Total |
128,298 |
9.32% |
100.00% |
China |
73,800 |
16.26% |
57.52% |
Holland |
13,353 |
10.61% |
10.41% |
Turkey |
12,318 |
49.56% |
9.60% |
Italy |
6,760 |
6.71% |
5.27% |
Serbia |
3,595 |
-6.01% |
2.80% |
France |
1,999 |
-24.91% |
1.56% |
1,899 |
16.79% |
1.48% |
Switzerland |
1,640 |
60.78% |
1.28% |
Norway |
1,626 |
51.26% |
1.27% |
Hungary |
1,567 |
14.97% |
1.22% |
Note:Germany customs data has updated to Aug. 2014.
Among Germany major import markets of Electric Water Heater from Jan. to Aug. 2014, France is the largest original country of imported goods, accounting for 57.52%of the total import value of Electric Water Heater imported by Germany. Holland ranked the second, accounting for 10.41%. China has overwhelming edge over Holland.
(Data Source:UN COMTRADE)