Lisa McTigue Pierce, Executive Editor -- Packaging Digest, 4/29/2013 8:53:05 AM
The PaQ-N-Seal automatic case sealer with packing station is designed for operations that require manual packing due to low-volume or offline products. This machine is a 102-inch side belt drive top and bottom case sealer with a fixed packing station. The packing station, which is located on the infeed end, is an extended platform on which a case is set up. An operator folds the bottom minor flaps and then places the case on the platform. The erected case is then filled with product and the operator then readies the case to be sealed. Once the trailing minor is folded down, the case is assisted into extended side belts and a button is pressed to signal the machine to start the side belts. The case is then driven through allowing the remaining flaps to be folded and is sealed top and bottom and ready for shipping.