Trade Resources Industry Views A Unique Operating Mode Is Developed to Enhance Distillation Performance

A Unique Operating Mode Is Developed to Enhance Distillation Performance

A unique operating mode is developed to enhance distillation performance in this solar diffusion driven desalination process. Water and air recirculation in the process enhances distillation performance, and external water cooling for the distillation process is eliminated. This work at the University of Florida examines the operation of the solar diffusion driven desalination process (humidification–dehumidification) under dynamic operating conditions. The solar heat input is recycled in a unique dynamic mode, so that it does not require an external source of cooling water. A detailed analytical investigation, based on numerical simulation, suggests that this process can potentially produce 100 L/day of distilled water, with an average specific electric energy consumption as low as 3.6 kWh/m3, using a total of eight 2 m2 flat plate solar collectors. Water production and energy consumption have been investigated under various design and operating conditions, and a unique operating mode has been explored to reduce the specific energy consumption. Source:

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Solar diffusion driven desalination for decentralised water production