Trade Resources Industry Views Surfaces That Define Space Can Also Be Producers of Energy

Surfaces That Define Space Can Also Be Producers of Energy

"Surfaces that define space can also be producers of energy,"says Kennedy,a visiting lecturer in architecture."The boundaries between traditional walls and utilities are shifting."

Energize Your Space with Solar Curtains

Sheila Kennedy Image courtesy of MIT

Sheila Kennedy has combined her expertise in solar cell technology and architecture to create a new way for buildings receive and distribute energy.Kennedy's flexible photovoltaic design is made from semi-conductor materials that help to absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.

Energize Your Space with Solar Curtains_1

Images courtesy of Crunch Wear

Rechargeable batteries fit into the curtain's hem,although the power is generated by the solar strips within the curtain(see image above:right)and then downloaded to a larger storage battery.Although the solar curtains are inexpensive to produce,they are not as efficient as traditional hard solar panels that you tend to see on tops of houses.The Soft House curtain concept is being expanded into plans for a"Soft City."

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Energize Your Space with Solar Curtains
Topics: Lighting