Trade Resources Industry Views HTG Molecular Diagnostics Has Partnered JWCI to Sell Its HTG Melanoma Signature Assays

HTG Molecular Diagnostics Has Partnered JWCI to Sell Its HTG Melanoma Signature Assays

HTG Molecular Diagnostics has partnered John Wayne Cancer Institute (JWCI) to sell its HTG melanoma signature assays.

The signature assays are intended to be useful for diagnostic and prognostic applications along the melanoma continuum.

HTG Molecular Diagnostics is planning to license the signatures to primary reference laboratories or submissions to the FDA for appropriate product clearances or approvals.

HTG Molecular Diagnostics CEO TJ Johnson said, "This partnership will be the embodiment of the clinical application of molecular gene expression to which HTG Molecular Diagnostics dedicates our resources in our mission to improve patient care and ultimately help save lives."

The John Wayne Cancer Institute scientific intelligence chief Dave Hoon said, "HTG's unique advantages in working with archival paraffin-embedded tissues enabled these novel discoveries and this agreement is an exciting and critical next step in the process of applying translational molecular oncology to the detection and treatment of melanoma."

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HTG Molecular, JWCI Join Forces to Sell Melanoma Signatures