Trade Resources Industry Views RECOM Has Consolidated Its Lighting Activities in a New Division

RECOM Has Consolidated Its Lighting Activities in a New Division

RECOM has consolidated its lighting activities in a new division to better meet the requirements of developers and architects in the fast moving lighting market as of August 1st, 2012. At the same time RECOM has relocated their offices from Dreieich, Germany to a new larger office in Neu-Isenburg/Frankfurt, Germany to accommodate the expansion.
RECOM Announces New Lighting Division

Although LED drivers and traditional power supplies are technically similar, their application is quite different. "Lighting customers have different requirements than our traditional industrial business partners" said RECOM´s CEO Karsten Bier. "Our new division has its own website,, which is part of the corporate strategy to focus our lighting know-how to directly assist customers in developing lighting solutions and systems. In Germany, Europe, USA and Asia, RECOM has succeeded in recruiting experienced lighting experts who are cooperating closely with leading manufacturers of lighting components to quickly develop efficient lighting solutions. Intelligent tools, such as the LED Driver Configurator available on the website, will greatly assist customers in finding the right optimized lighting solution."

RECOM has a long history of supplying the industry with high quality modular converters and is a pioneer of constant current LED drivers. From the start, the company has focused on the development of only high quality products with a life expectancy to match that of LEDs they drive. The new lighting division cooperates worldwide with an array of distributors and partners to ensure that where ever a new lighting application is being developed RECOM can be found. This has been confirmed by the rapidly growing customer base and the increasing number of applications where RECOM LED drivers are used.


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RECOM Announces New Lighting Division
Topics: Lighting