Trade Resources Industry Views Carbon Steel Welded Tube Market Continues to Experience Quiet Unexciting Conditions

Carbon Steel Welded Tube Market Continues to Experience Quiet Unexciting Conditions

Tags: welded tube

Europe's carbon steel welded tube market in July continues to experience the quiet unexciting conditions which characterised June, and this is expected to continue through August, market participants tell Steel Business Briefing. So far this month demand and prices remain relatively stable at June prices, although September could see some upward movement in both, with prices forecast to increase by €0-30/tonne. It is reported that buyers have very low stocks and in September they will need to return to the market to some extent. Coils prices are also forecast to slightly increase, triggering higher tube prices. "In southern Europe and in particular in Spain the market was particularly weak through all the year, while in Italy the market worsened after the first quarter", market sources say. In Germany the market has now slowed down, but is still more lively than others countries. Belgium and Eastern Europe are also doing quite well. Welded tubes are currently available in southern Europe at €00-710/t delivered for S235 quality. Greek producers, that have a smaller share of the market than other regional producers, have slightly increased their prices over the last two/three weeks in contrast to other tube producers; But their current average price for S235 quality tubes is said to be at €30-650/t ex-works, so still below rivals in other countries. North European prices are higher than S. European prices. In northern Europe welded tubes are currently available at €20-735/t delivered for S235 category tubes in the region.

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EU welded tube market weak; prices may rise by September
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