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Blizzard Is Going to Launch The Mists of Pandaria

Blizzard is going to launch the Mists of Pandaria,the next expansion of the World of Warcraft.There are many new features introduced in the update.One of them is Pandaen and monk,the new race and class in WoW.

DALLAS,TX,September 12,2012/24-7PressRelease/--After a long anticipation,Blizzard launches the World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria expansion.The number of fan sites and blogs that became available months before the official game release is proof of the game's popularity.WoW Monk,a recently launched sites,provides readers with the latest accession to the WoW label including a new Pandaren race and a new class,the Monk.The site is operated by a group of dedicated WoW fans who would like to provide general and in-depth details of the latest class in the World of Warcraft

Visitors to WoW Monks blog gets to learn a lot about this new class introduced in the World of Warcraft,the Mists of Pandaria.Created to be a combo class,the monk have to execute a lot of skills unceasingly.Most of monks abilities costs only 1-2 chi,monk energy resource.Monk will be available to every race except the goblin and worgen.Like the druid,monk is a versatile class that have the ability to either be a healer,dps,or tanker.

Monks can be categorized into 3 specs,brewmaster,mistsweaver,and windwalker which are tanker,healer and damage dealer accordingly.Windwalker monks are masters of bare-handed combat,choosing to draw their weapons only for finishing moves.Monk healers,mistsweaver,convey harmony and balance to every group,healing even severe injuries with ancient remedies and focused spiritual arts.Monk tankers,brewmasters,whose special drinks and unpredictable combat style allow them to absorb large amounts of damage.

Besides the WoW Monks blog which is dedicated on only wow monk specific information,individual fans and gamers also makes expansion website and blogs about the pandaren race guide available widely on the internet that shares content regarding details of the new race in the world of warcraft.Not only that,wiki sites and topic-specific discussion forums are quickly appearing on the Internet as the game nears its release this September 25,2012.

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