TI led the pack in the industrial IC market last year,according to IHS with its industrial IC revenue growing 25%to$2.2bn for a market share of 7.3%.Infineon grew 25%to take the No.2 slot.
Industrial was the second fastest-growing semiconductor market after automotive in 2011,up 9.3%percent compared to 1.4%t for the overall semiconductor space.
Growth in 2012 is projected to moderate to 7.7%.
"TI owed its boost in revenue last year to the firm's acquisition of National Semiconductor at the end of the third quarter in 2011,which added$446m to TI's bottom line for industrial electronics,"says IHS'Jacobo Carrasco-Heres,"without the buyout,TI's revenue growth would have been flat."
Prior to the acquisition,National Semiconductor was the No.2 supplier of LED driver ICs behind TI.
TI was also the No.1 supplier last year in manufacturing and process automation,medical electronics;second in energy generation and distribution;and third in the test and measurement as well as the building and home control areas.
The top ten industrial IC suppliers had combined revenue of$12.9bn–42%of a market worth a$30.6bn.
Infineon had a stellar year growing 25%while ST only grew 4.4%.