The Ministry of Industry and Commerce is continuing to follow up cement subject closely to make sure the availability of this essential material for construction to meet local market needs. Last week, Local Trade and Consumer Protection officials made a field visit to local factories and packed cement producers to check on cement distributions and check on the process of workflow in producer s sites. The results of the field visit as follows: 1- The process of cement productions and sales especially packed is running smoothly. There is no pressure or waiting by contractors and consumers in local factories sites. Also seen that there are large quantities of packed cement in one of the factories waiting for consumers and contractors demand to buy them. The demand gradually decreases due to local market saturation of packed cement. 2- Cement import process is successfully. There are no barriers to import the quantities required, and that the cement is available and local producers are committed to the local market prices, which was agreed by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce with manufacturers and importers. 3- The field visit concluded that cement problem in the local market has ended and the actual sales on Wednesday and Thursday is 24.813 bags and 24.899 bags, while the expected daily production and sales is 27 bags based on local factories and cement producers information. In conclusion, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is eager to keep track of everything going on in the local market on any matter affecting consumers and citizens. Source: uaecement