Trade Resources Industry Views Troostwijk Auctions Selling The Line as Berg Toys Relocating Production to China

Troostwijk Auctions Selling The Line as Berg Toys Relocating Production to China

Tags: Berg Toys, Toys

Online auction closes tomorrow afternoon.

An online auction selling the complete production line of outdoor toy firm Berg Toys is closing tomorrow.

Troostwijk Auctions is selling the line as Berg Toys is relocating production to China.

The online auction closes on January 6th, with items up for grabs spanning large go-karts as well as factory parts like welding robots and machine tools.

"Berg Toys produces about 40,000 go-karts per year. Germany is the main market, the Netherlands a significant one," said Martijn van Schie, account Manager at Troostwijk.

"In total Berg Toys sells its products to more than 60 countries. Over the years the company has also expanded to making f.e. walk bikes and beach wagons. These are, just like the smaller go-karts, already made in China. By relocating the large go-kart production, again an icon and employment for a Dutch region is lost."

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Berg Toys Factory Auction Enters Final Stage of Bidding
Topics: Toys