Trade Resources Industry Views The Retailer Sold 1000 Copies of Dobble Throughout 2013

The Retailer Sold 1000 Copies of Dobble Throughout 2013

 Dobble Challenge Earns Wise Owl Toys £1, 000 From Esdevium Games

The retailer sold 1000 copies of Dobble throughout 2013

Worcestershire independent retailer Wise Owl Toys will be looking forward to Toy Fair more than most this year as it will receive a cheque from Esdevium Games for £1,000.

The reward follows the retailer's success with the year long retailer promotion, the Dobble Challenge, in which Green Owl Toys managed to sell 1000 copies of Esdevium's popular card game.

The Dobble Challenge tasks independent toy stores with selling a minimum of 100 units of the Dobble card game through in-store demonstrations.

Stores that reach that number of sales will then earn an additional £1 back per unit sold, with no upper limit.

Esdevium will be repeating the Dobble Challenge for 2014.   

Wise Owl Toys owner, Mark Stewart, said: "We are delighted to be receiving this cheque from Esdevium simply for demonstrating Dobble.

"It is such an easy game to show people in-store and once they play it, they love it."

Esdevium Games marketing manager, Ben Hogg, praised the toy shop's Dobble success: "This is a fantastic success and is an example of what one store can achieve by simply getting the game out and showing people how to play.

"We hope the success of Wise Owl Toys will encourage even more stores to get involved in 2014's Dobble Challenge."

Details for 2014's Dobble Challenge will be revealed at Esdevium Games' Toy Fair stand, E109.

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Dobble Challenge Earns Wise Owl Toys £1, 000 From Esdevium Games
Topics: Toys