Trade Resources Industry Views Surya Debuted a New Line of Rugs and Accessories From Noted Designer Lotta Jansdotter

Surya Debuted a New Line of Rugs and Accessories From Noted Designer Lotta Jansdotter

Tags: Surya, area rugs

Surya, a progressive manufacturer of area rugs and home accessories, has debuted a new line of rugs and accessories from noted designer Lotta Jansdotter at High Point Market.

Weaving together elements of simple Scandinavian influenced style with products that are handmade yet modern, Lotta’s refined organic pattern designs have earned her international acclaim. Her collections for Surya include a selection of hand tufted and flat weave wool rugs, along with pillows and poufs—all of which feature her signature hand drawn designs.

Based on an instinctive feel for shape and movement, Lotta’s free-flowing design aesthetic reveals the influence of the natural, cultural and industrial elements of her environment. Her creative application of color, texture and line converges in her new offerings for Surya—providing timeless, sophisticated and distinctive patterns that are symmetrical yet daring in their expression, and well-suited for contemporary lifestyles.

“As a designer, I see myself as an editor—not of words—but of materials, colors, fabric, textures and shapes,” said Lotta Jansdotter, designer and founder of the Lotta Jansdotter brand.

“I am drawn to the creation of order and beauty through pattern and am always seeking new mediums in which to apply my designs to bring forth harmony and unity. The partnership with Surya has enabled me to translate the organic forms and motifs that are at the core of my designs into a line of home accessories that will come to live in a variety of environments—and, hopefully, bring a sense of joy and inspiration to the inhabitants of those spaces.”

Lotta’s collections for Surya feature an assortment of inspired designs, ranging from simple, fluid line drawings to cut out patterns and circular motifs—all of which convey movement and grace with punctuations of arresting color.

“Lotta brings to Surya thoughtful and clean designs that are at once classic and modern,” said Satya Tiwari, president, Surya. “We look forward to offering our customers rugs and accessories with her distinctive stamp of style, which conveys not only refinement and simplicity but also authenticity and a deep-rooted appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.”

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Surya Debuts Lotta Designed Rugs & Accessories Line
Topics: Textile