Registration is open for a three-part webinar series on healthcare lighting. All webinars will start at 1:00 p.m. Eastern (10:00 a.m. Pacific) and last one hour.
•Tuesday, September 13: The Nurses' Perspective on Hospital Patient Room Lighting
Presenters: Pat Lydon, Legacy Health, and Robert Davis and Andrea Wilkerson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Learn how SSL technology provides new opportunities to address a holistic set of goals for healthcare lighting, with insights from a survey of 252 nurses on patient room lighting. What are the major considerations when designing the next generation of patient room lighting systems? More information.
•Tuesday, October 4: Evidence-Based Design for Healthcare Lighting—Where's the Evidence?
Presenters: Anjali Joseph, Clemson University, and Robert Davis and Andrea Wilkerson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Results from a major literature review summarizing published evidence for the benefits of high-quality healthcare lighting reported in recent research. How can future research provide even stronger evidence to link the design of healthcare facilities to a holistic set of human needs? More information.
•Tuesday, October 18: Tuning the Light in Senior Care
Presenters: Connie Samla, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and Robert Davis and Andrea Wilkerson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evaluation of a pilot study of LED lighting systems in preparation for a planned expansion and renovation at a Sacramento senior-care center, with comparisons to existing fluorescent systems and before/after analysis of behavioral and health measures. How have the results impacted the center's future plans? More information.