You might be too blitzed on Pimms and barbeque parties to notice,but now that summer has arrived there are a host of oddjobs and property improvements you can make to boost the long-term sustainability of your home and cut down on fuel costs.
And getting outside and up on a ladder to look at the roof is chief among them,according to the National Home Improvement Council's(NHIC)Andrew Leech.
"If you are looking at your property and you want to make a pretty sound investment for yourself,then you have got to look at the roof-make sure that there are no slipping tiles or broken flashings,"he says.
The expert's comments come as hardware chain B&Q saw a dip in total sales in both the UK and Ireland in recent months,down 11.7 per cent on like-for-like figures this time last year.
"You have got to look at your rainwater systems and make sure that they are not leaking and creating damp patches indoors.You need to make sure that your windows are in good condition and it would be an advantage if you could replace them with PVC double-glazed windows,"the expert goes on to say.
And it's feared that if homeowners don't get those routine checks,improvements and maintenance jobs done through the summer months then they could suffer come winter time.
One major concern for most households is the increasing cost of energy bills,and investing in provisions to keep the heat in your home now,instead of later,will guarantee you a toasty winter.
"Insulation is a major thing,"says Andrew."Cutting out all of the drafts and keeping yourself warm.Insulation is one of the most economical solutions to energy efficiency.It is low priced,very cost efficient and will have a couple of years'payback period."
As are LED outdoor lights.LED light bulbs provide a natural,sunlight-like glow while keeping energy use-and in turn,costs-down.And installing them now means you can make the most of your garden in the summer.