A transparent glass door is so ordinary that it cannot fully show your unique taste of house decoration. In that way, you can add some glass door hardware to improve it. Door closer is one kind of it. Below I intend to make a brief introduction of door closer. A door closer is a mechanical device that closes a door, in general after it was opened by someone or it was automatically opened. When choosing a door closer, a variety of criteria should be considered. Apart from the door closer's performance in fire situations, other criteria like resistance to opening forces (say, the disabled), health, safety, durability, risk of vandalism and aesthetics should also be involved. There are storm door and screen door variation of the door closer. As the name indicates, these piston shaped closers are applied to storm, security and screen doors which have functions of defending against insects, weather and intruders. While interior door closers primarily use hydraulics, storm door closers generally use air and springs to close the door. Besides, door closer can be divided into manual door closer and automatic door closer. A manual door closer stores the energy in a compression or torsion spring in the opening of the door and releases it to close the door. Some door closers access to adjustment of the strength of the spring, making it easier or more difficult to push the door open. Hydraulic (oil-filled) dampers are applied to limit the speed at which the door closes. While an automatic door closer, as the name implies, opens the door itself. It is also called door opener. The automatic door closer uses a push button, motion detector or other device to open itself and then closes it as well. Typically it employs a motion or proximity detector to detect when it is safe to close the door. Source: glassdoor-hardware.com