Micrel has introduced a +/-0.5% accuracy voltage supervisor, with manual reset input, watchdog timer and dual outputs in 1.6mm x 1.6mm thin DFN package.
The MIC826 offers eight reset threshold options and is intended to monitor 1.8V to 5V power supplies.
The device features a +/-0.5% voltage threshold accuracy at room temperature and +/-1.5% voltage threshold accuracy over the -40 deg C to +125 deg C temperature range.
The chip consumes a low 3.8μA of supply current for power supplies; lower than 3.6V and 4.8μA for solutions operating from a 5V power supply.
The IC also features an industry standard reset timeout period of 140ms (min) and a watchdog time output period of 1.6s, as well as dual, active-high push-pull, and active-low push-pull reset outputs.