Trade Resources Industry Views The Study of Profil Institute's Early Phase Clinical Services

The Study of Profil Institute's Early Phase Clinical Services

Mercodia, a developer of immunoassays, has entered into a collaboration agreement with Profil Institute for Clinical Research.

Under the alliance, Mercodia will offer its enzyme-linked immnosorbent assays (ELISA) as a component for Profil Institute's early phase clinical services.

ELISA assays are designed for use in the metabolic clinical research and to study the pharmacokinetics of insulin and metabolic peptides.

Profil Institute for Clinical Research CEO Dr Marcus Hompesch said the centre will use the ELISA assays in its investigative standards for early phase diabetes and obesity drug development.

"Our scientific understanding of diabetes and of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of insulin, as well as our expertise working with all diabetes drug classes, enables us to provide highly conclusive data so that our clients can make the best decisions, as early as possible, about the further development of their drug candidates," Hompesch added.

"We are very pleased to partner with Profil Institute and therefore combine our disease area expertise for a powerful outcome in the precision of clinical research data."

Mercodia CEO Mona ?sterberg said, "Together we will deliver greater scientific insight to Profil Institute's customers enhancing their overall metabolic drug development program at the earliest stage of clinical research in humans."

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Profil Institute to Use Mercodia ELISA to Enhance Diabetes, Obesity Clinical Trials